Privacy Policy

Db Shaper S.r.l., having its registered office in Viale Lombardia 4, 26900 Lodi (LO), VAT No. and Fiscal Code No. 10323430966 (hereinafter, “DB SHAPER”), hereby provides the privacy policy pursuant to Article 13 of the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (the “Privacy Code”), in its capacity as data controller in relation to personal data pertaining to the users registered to the Website and to the App(hereinafter, the “Users”).

DB SHAPER takes the outmost account to the privacy rights and to the protection of its Users’ personal data. Users may contact DB SHAPER for any information in relation to this privacy policy at any time whatsoever using the contacts specified under the following paragraph 5.

  1. Purposes of data processing

The Users’ personal data will be processed by DB SHAPER for the following processing purposes:

  1. a) contractual obligations (Article 24, paragraph 1, letter b) of the Privacy Code), i.e. in order to give execution to the General Conditions of the Website and the App, being accepted by the User during the registration process; fulfil specific requests of the User. Such data collected in order to provided the services are: name, surname and nickname voluntarily chosen by the ser, age, province of residence/domicile, gender, electronic e-mail address, and any personal information of the User eventually and voluntary published. Subject to the User giving DB SHAPER a secific and optional consent to its data processing for marketing purposes pursuant to the following paragraph 2, any contact data (name, surname, electronic mail address) will be used by DB SHAPER for the sole purpose of ascertaining the identity of the relevant User (also by means of validation of the electronic e-mail address), avoiding frauds or infringements, and contact the User only for services reasons (sending news in relation to Services offered on the Website and on the App). In any case, DB SHAPER would never give access to User’s data to third parties or other parties;
  2. b) accounting-administrative purposes (Article 24, paragraph 1, letter 1-ter) of the Privacy Code), or in order to carry out organisational, administrative, financial and accounting ctivities, as internal organisational activities and activities aimed at fulfilling contractual and precontractual obligations;
  3. c) legal obligations (Article 24, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Privacy Code), or in order to fulfil obligations provided by the law or the European laws and regulations. Providing the ersonal data for the processing purposes specified above is optional but necessary, since failing to provide the same imply the impossibility to register to the Website and to the App. A star in the registration form identifies the personal data, which are necessary for purporting the processing purposes described under this paragraph 1.
  4. Further purposes of processing: newsletter and marketing (sending advertising material, direct sales and commercial communication)

With the free and optional User’s consent, some User’s personal data (name, surname and electronic mail address) may be processed by DB SHAPER for a periodic newsletter and for marketing purposes (direct sale, dispatch of marketing material and commercial communication) or in order for DB SHAPER to contact the relevant User by means of electronic mail for proposing to the same to purchase products and/or services offered by DB SHAPER and/or third parties companies, present offers, promotions and commercial opportunities.

Giving consent to personal data processing for such purpose is free and optional and, in the event such consent is missing, the possibility to carry on a purchase is not prevented in any manner whatsoever. In the event that such consent has been granted, the relevant User may revoke the same at any time whatsoever upon request to DB SHAPER following the methods specified under the following paragraph 6. The relevant User may also easily oppose to the sending of further marketing communications (by e-mail) also clicking on the specific revocation link for revoking the consent, which is included in each marketing e-mail. Once revoked the consent, DB SHAPER will send to the User an electronic mail message in order to confirm that the consent has been actually revoked. DB SHAPER hereby informs that, following the exercise of the right to object to the sending of marketing communications, it could be possible due to technical issues (i.e. sending list already completed a little before the receipt by DB SHAPER of the objection request) the relevant User continues receiving further marketing messages. In the event that the relevant User continues receiving marketing messages once elapsed 24 hours from the exercise of the objection right, please flag such issue to DB SHAPER, using the contacts specified under the following paragraph 5.

  1. Processing methods

Users’ personal data processing will be carried out by manual and IT instruments, applying logics strictly connected to the purposes and, in any case, so that the safety and confidentiality of he relevant data is guaranteed.

  1. Data disclosure and dissemination

DB SHAPER’s employees and/or workers appointed to manage personal data may become aware of any Users’ personal data. Such subjects, who are formally appointed by DB SHAPER as “persons in charge for the processing”, will process the relevant User’s data exclusively for the purposes specified under this policy and in compliance with the provisions of the Privacy Code. Furthermore, third parties which may process personal data for the account of DB SHAPER may become aware of any Users’ personal data in their capacity as “data processors”, such as, including, but not limited to, providers of logistics and IT services functional for the Website and the App operational, outsourcing or cloud computing services providers, professionals and advisors, companies entrusted with the sending of marketing e-mails for the account of DB SHAPER. Any users have the right to obtain a list of the data processors (if any) appointed by DB SHAPER upon a specific request to be made to DB SHAPER following the modalities specified under the following paragraph 5.

  1. Data subjects’ rights

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Privacy Code, DB SHAPER hereby informs that any Users has the right to obtain the indication of (i) the source of the personal data; (ii) the purposes and methods of the processing; (iii) the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means; (iv) the identification data concerning data controller and data processors; (v) the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing. Furthermore, data subjects have the right to obtain: a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data; b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed; c) certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected. Users have the right to object, in whole or in part: a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection; b) to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys. Users may exercise such rights by contacting DB SHAPER by the following methods: (i) sending a registered letter with return receipt to the registered office of DB SHAPER, (ii) sending an electronic mail message to the address [email protected]